RBJBTKNLS' & KBK's Mr.Machobuck X Blackjack

Comments: I've been waiting a long time to try this cross.  This is the tightest Buck direct some of Machobuck dog in the world bred to one of the tightest Blackjack bitches in the world straight f Casino Kennels. Mr.Machobuck has hadexcellent results with the Boyles cross. This cross should be no different. This breeding has an inbreeding coeficient of only 4.97% . Should be ATHLETES. Bred October 13, 2013

Call Evo @ (832) 423-6665 or grchmachobuck@gmail.com PHONE CALL PREFERRED

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
RBJBTKNL's Mr.Machobuck Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Ramirez' Miss Superbuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy) SCK's Yellowbuck STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
SCK's Piggy STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Casino's Jackpot Casino's Brother Casino's Blackjack Jr Crenshaw's Blackjack Crenshaw's Gator White's Tab
White's Irene
Rose's Blackgirl Crenshaw's Big Casey
Wood's Amber
Casino's Little News Crenshaw's Gator White's Tab
White's Irene
Casino's News Kamikazee's Hunter Red
Thomas' Runt
Casino's Lady Deputy Casino's Deputy Dog Crenshaw's Blackjack Crenshaw's Gator
Rose's Blackgirl
Casino's News Kamikazee's Hunter Red
Thomas' Runt
Casino's Little News Crenshaw's Gator White's Tab
White's Irene
Casino's News Kamikazee's Hunter Red
Thomas' Runt
Casino's Lil Annie Crenshaw's Blackjack Crenshaw's Gator White's Tab Crenshaw's Jeep
Marlowe's Tabby Girl
White's Irene Crenshaw's Jeep
Garrett's Bridgette
Rose's Blackgirl Crenshaw's Big Casey Earley's Josey Wells
Garrett's Lady III
Wood's Amber Abernathy's Bosco
Wood's Shirley II
Casino's Annie Crenshaw's Blackjack Crenshaw's Gator White's Tab
White's Irene
Rose's Blackgirl Crenshaw's Big Casey
Wood's Amber
Moore's Jet White's Tab Crenshaw's Jeep
Marlowe's Tabby Girl
Moore's Trouble Kamikazee's Hunter Red
Duprell's Classy

Inbreeding Coefficient: 4.9734% based on 19 generations.

50.000% Casino's Jackpot
50.000% RBJBTKNL's Mr.Machobuck
28.125% Crenshaw's Blackjack
25.000% Casino's Lil Annie
25.000% Super Kennel's 357
25.000% Ramirez' Machobuck
25.000% Ramirez' Miss Superbuck
25.000% Casino's Brother
21.875% STP's Buck
20.313% Crenshaw's Gator
19.188% Bass' Tramp Red Boy
18.066% Crenshaw's Jeep
14.746% Indian Bolio
14.391% Teal's Jeff
14.063% Rose's Blackgirl
13.546% Tudor's Dibo
13.281% White's Tab
12.500% Casino's Lady Deputy
12.500% Wildside's Miss Leaky
12.500% Untouchable's Butkus
12.500% Casino's Annie
12.500% Untouchable's Daisy Mae
12.500% Casino's Little News
12.500% Southern Kennel's Macha
12.500% Casino's Blackjack Jr
12.500% SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy)
12.109% Patrick's Little Tater
11.963% J.Crenschaw's Honeybunch
10.809% Carver's Black Widow
10.156% White's Irene
9.594% McLeod's Suzie Q Gal
9.468% Hubbard's Bounce
9.375% SCK's Awesome Baby
9.375% Casino's News
9.350% Heinzel's Bambi
9.033% Finley's Bo

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